Monday, March 16, 2015

Nonreligious Articles of Belief

Nonreligious Articles of Belief

Yeah, this is another good thing to get out of the system. As with everything I say, it should be looked at as more tentative than absolute, even when formulated in a creed-y manner. I've thought about these things for a long time, and I believe writing this does me good, mentally.

So, I hereby present: six tentative beliefs of mine. A short version of, and perhaps a table of contents for, the longer version that is 70% done. I just wanted a short version out now.

I believe useful estimation is impossible in software development. (Of course 'estimation' with no further qualification is possible, duh...)

I believe interfaces types are needed to scale well, and 'distribute' well. At least type-'consciousness' is needed, but actual formal types in languages are better, because they can be processed by machines.

I believe organizing code into features or modules is superior to the common layered architecture default.

I believe polyglot programming is really difficult, a really big risk. Something to avoid, the more the languages differ. And one has to consider incongruent data types and gaps in tooling more than just different syntax.

I believe databases as entities separate from the application is one of the things that makes software development terrible. Also, see polyglottism.

I believe optimization (I mean that thing that compilers or query engines do for us) is kind of useless because it is unpredictable, unreliable.

So, in closing; I believe that some of the common thinking and so-called best practices make development projects not scale well, make code less understandable, make tooling harder, make analysis harder. And make me depressed. When in contact with them. And that is one of the reasons for this article. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Three Big Bad Things

Aha, I'm writing about motivation again. And this time I'm motivated about it. 

I want to just get some things out of my system. The theme is, sort of, things about software development that have been sort of depressing. If I write it up, and put it out there, it might bring about a relaxed state of mind, I hope. 

So, there are mainly two things that are, or have been depressing. Well, actually, one thing that has been depressing, and one that only laterly has crept up on me as a factor of un-motivation, or whatchamacallit. 

Thing one, is this thing about estimation. Thing two, is about the meaning of doing things; and particularly in this case, the point, meaning, or 'why', of developing software. 

Uh, wait, there are actually _three_ things about developing software, that are cause for suboptimal states of mind. 

Third thing: fuck there are a lot of bad ideas, tools, libraries, methodologies out there, some of which I have had encountered. Note that I could not really say 'had the unfortunate luck of encountering' or some such; because it's inevitable to come upon these things, so I don't know if I've been particularly unlucky here, and there might be much worse things, that I've had the luck to not have to contend with. 

So; well I might actually say that the idea about estimation is one of those bad ideas, or methodologies out there. But it is such a big thing with software development. It's inevitable, sort of; I might give the anti-NoEstimation camp half a point there, about it being a fundamental part of human activity, the human pattern of behavior, or that wonderful expression: The Human Condition. OTOH, I am not sure the NoEstimates crowd really disagrees. It's all a bit muddled. The subject matter is muddled itself, by its very nature. 

But I am not writing to set anything straight. I'll let it be muddled. I only intend to write about what I have been thinking about all of this, for the last few years mainly. 

Actually, estimation might be a blog post all unto itself. And so could the meaning or why of developing software. And also the suckiness things. So, that's three blog posts queued up to write. And I feel good about that.